Falcata trees against a blue sky with clouds, on a Nuku Hiva hillside, evocative of the Falcata Group logo.


Products > XCheck


Rhino drawings consist of an assortment of objects of various types: lines, circles, polylines, text blocks, spheres, and more complex 3d objects.

Individuals and organizations routinely go through series of revisions of their drawings.  At each step, a checking process is often performed by users or certifying engineers/managers.

XCheck performs line item comparisons between drawings/models to identify additions, deletions, and changes between models.

Value added:  confidence that accidental changes have not been introduced within the org and for clients to confirm proposed modifications to an existing product, structure, or design. 

Release Scheduled

Open BETA version is scheduled to be available to the public in July 2024. 

BETA Testers Wanted

Are you a Rhino3D CAD/Modeling user?

We are looking for a small group of BETA testers for our XRay plugin.

Contact us to become a BETA Tester.